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Dara Molloy May 1998.
There was great excitement on the island last week when the cuckoo arrived. We waited in expectancy from around April 21st. He came on the 25th. I asked my neighbour, an elderly woman, had she heard him yet. Oh, yes, I heard him this morning, she said and I blessed myself!. I have a little son aged one year and three months. Each day we go to see the cows in the field. He points to each of them. Sometimes the cat comes with us and wants to jump up on my shoulder. Yesterday a cow was curious and licked the tail of the cat. We listen to the birds singing. When the dreoilín, the wren, sings its beautiful melody, I tell my son that she is singing that song especially for us. The divine is present. This place fills me with joy. I learned many years ago that the attributes of God are love, truth and beauty. Here, my home for the last fourteen years, God is beauty. In an earlier part of my life, God was truth. Then I was a perpetual student. But now I find God in the beauty of the primrose, in the flight of the swan, in the mysterious arrival of the cuckoo, in the power of the sea on a stormy day, in the perfection of a newly born calf, in the arrival of Spring, in the hatching out of tiny chicks, in the growth of my own potatoes. I exult in the divine mysteries of Mother Earth. Last week, I found some gentians growing. These are an alpine flower that are rare outside of the snowy mountains of the Alps but grow here because of the rock formation. They have a blue colour that is stunning. Their discovery gave me great cause for celebration. Alongside them were cowslips, orchids and even some bloody cranesbills. For many years of my life I never noticed flowers. Their names meant nothing to me. Now I am in awe of them. Here they are, randomly scattered in fields, vulnerable, fragile, fragrant, abundant. Mother Earth is the altar at which I worship. Her flowers are better than embroidery on an altar cloth. Their perfume is better than incense from a thurible. I walk from my house towards the sea. The walk brings me down a steep path called Jacobs Ladder. I arrive at Poll an Bhradáin, the Salmon Pool. Water here flows from the rock face into a stream, creates a pool and then again disappears under the ground. The salmon in Irish folklore, An Bhradán Feasa, symbolises knowledge and wisdom. Fionn McCool ate the Salmon of Knowledge caught by Finegas in the river Boyne and from then on was all-wise. I seek the ICHTHUS of the Greeks, the Bradán Feasa of the Irish. I walk up the little path that leads to the Holy Well of Saint Ciarán. I am now on a togher, a pilgrim path. These toghers criss-cross Ireland. They name the journey we each have to make to find our place of resurrection. The well marks the entrance into the womb of the earth. Here I can celebrate birth, motherhood, femininity, womans blood, the moon cycle, the seasons. In a bullán, a bowl-shaped rock, I pick out seven small pebbles. They have been moulded by the sea below me and consecrated for sacred use by generations of pilgrims to this place. With these I count my rounds, dropping a stone back into the bullán each time I pass. I journey to the right, a turas deiseal, imitating the sun going around the earth. My meditative journey brings me into step with the daily dance of sun and earth. I become one with their love-making. My seven rounds dance me through the seven days of the week. Then I enter the holy of holies at the centre of my round. Lying face down on the holy ground, I reach deep into Mother Earth at her sacred entrance. My hand feels the cold, pure, life-giving water. Give me Jesus that water that wells up to eternal life. In the field beside the well is Teampall Ciarán. Ciarán came here as a young man, seeking to learn from the abbot Enda and his monks, searching out his own calling. Enda told him he had a vision of a great tree planted in the middle of Ireland. The birds would carry its fruit to the whole world. This dream came true when Ciarán left Aran after seven years and founded the great monastery of Clonmacnoise on the river Shannon. Visiting Ciaráns church connects me to 1500 years of Irish spiritual and ecclesial history. The older door of the church is possibly 8th century, the window is 12th century, the later door marks the 15th century. These church walls absorbed continuous worship for over a thousand years. I understand now why it was so important for the Irish hermit monks to find themselves a place of beauty in which to live. All the major Irish monastic sites are located in beautiful places - Clonmacnoise, Glendalough, Skellig Michael, Aran. I wish, O son of the Living God, ancient eternal King A very blue shallow well to be beside it, A beautiful wood close by around it on every side, Facing south for warmth, My fill of clothing and of food from the King of good fame, (Irish; author unknown; 10th century)
The Saints of Ireland by Mary Ryan DArcy. 1974 Irish American Cultural Institute, Minnesota. ISBN 0-85342-733-X Irish Monasticism, Origins and Early Development by John Ryan s.j., Four Courts Press, Dublin 1992. First edition 1931. ISBN 1-85182-111-2 Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race by T.W. Rolleston, Constable, London 1985. ISBN 0-09-467720-4
Glen Colmcille, Co. Donegal. The Hill of Tara, Co. Meath. Dara Molloy, May 1998. |
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