Articles published:
- Affective Education: Analysing present day values inherent in today's education system, and presenting some alternatives using Celtic models.
- Aistir: Describing a new idea, a modern household that has many Celtic monastic features without being a monastery.
- An Charraig & Aisling Arann: An Charraig is a household modelled on an Aistir; Aisling Árann is the overall vision and supportive organisation.
- An Crann Dair: the spirituality of the oak tree a personal account of sacred connections.
- Beocheist: (in Irish)Tuairisc faoi comhthionól“Ag Tógáil Ár Economaíocht Áitiúil”
- Celtic Spirituality and The Church: Celtic spirituality offers a model of church very different from the dominant model. This model is particularly attractive for today. It is a fitting replacement for the collapsing contemporary church.
- The Celtic Our Father: A Celtic version of the Catholic "Our Father" prayer.
- Commodification gone Cuckoo: a critique of the trend towards everything becoming a commodity.
- Creative Celtic Worship: how new forms of worship can be created using the Celtic tradition
- Cuckoo in the Nest: the modern paradigm of development and progress is like a cuckoo chick that pushes out all other lifeforms from the nest.
- Disadvantage to Advantage: how being on the margins of the dominant economic system provides opportunities for creating alternatives.
- Dorothy Day - a Review: a look at the life of an amazing woman who founded the Catholic Worker Movement.
- Ecclesiastical Empire And The Feminine: A passionate condemnation of the Catholic Church for practicing the politics of sexuality and power in a travesty of gospel values.
- Education and The New Religion: progress and development has replaced Christianity in offering salvation to the masses. The church colludes in this through its participation in modern-day schooling.
- The Four-Leafed Shamrock: finding spiritual nourishment in the Irish tradition.
- Gay Marriage: a look at how monotheism and Christianity offer no theology of sexuality, heterosexuality or homosexuality, other than to say that it is sinful.
- Illich Obituary: reflections and memories written on the death of Ivan Illich.
- Living on the Margins: a description of the life choices made by Dara Molloy and others when they moved to live on the Aran Islands.
- Refounding the Celtic Church: The Celtic church was an indigenous Christian church that was replaced by the Roman church in the 12th century. Its refounding is overdue.
- Rekindling the Embers: the traditional way of life on Aran has all but gone. How can we rekindle it before it dies altogether?
- Sacred and Profane: two views of the earth. Removing sacredness from the earth has allowed progress and development to exploit it without respect.
- St. Surnaí - A Galway Bay Saint: St Surnaí is one of the lesser known of Irish women saints. Nonetheless, she continues to be remembered, especially in counties Galway and Clare.
- My Secret Hut in the Wilderness: comparing An Charraig to the ideal of a hermit monk as expressed in a 10th century Irish poem.
- Spirituality and Sustainability: it is clear that the western lifestyle is not sustainable. A new lifestyle will require a new spirituality.
- Treasure In The Field: The attraction of Inis Mór, Aran Islands, to a pilgrim and spiritual searcher. An autobiographical piece.
- Weaving the New Aran: how Inis Mór must adapt, preserving what is valuable in the old, while adapting to the new.
- Your Education System: proposals for a transformed role of the state in education, devolving power to students and parents.
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